Razer DeathStalker V2 Pro 是超薄無線光學鍵盤,專為提供頂級效能與耐用性而經過最佳化。採用新式矮軸和 Razer™ HyperSpeed Wireless,可提供反應超靈敏的遊戲體驗,所有組件都容納在輕巧且超薄耐用的外殼中,並採用可長時間使用的人體工學設計。
Razer DeathStalker V2 Pro 是超薄無線光學鍵盤,專為提供頂級效能與耐用性而經過最佳化。採用新式矮軸和 Razer™ HyperSpeed Wireless,可提供反應超靈敏的遊戲體驗,所有組件都容納在輕巧且超薄耐用的外殼中,並採用可長時間使用的人體工學設計。
Text appears: Razer DeathStalker V2 Pro
A black, low-profile keyboard floats against a dark environment.
Text appears: Low-Profile Ergonomics. High-Performance Wireless.
The keyboard slowly rotates to its side view, highlighting its ultra-slim profile.
With a brilliant flash of light, the shot transitions to a full-height Razer Linear Optical Switch.
A band of red light casts over the center portion of the switch, causing the area to turn holographic.
In another blinding flash, the holographic area collapses as the switch transforms into a slimmer, lowprofile form factor.
Text appears: Razer Low-Profile Optical Switches
We cut to a shot of the keyboard with its switches revealed. They actuate with such speed that a green energy erupts from a central key, supercharging the keyboard.
Text appears: 超快速且超可靠的觸發功能
We cut to an extreme closeup along the top edge of the keyboard—highlighting a switch that enables it to toggle between 2.4GHz and Bluetooth mode. The switch slides to 2.4GHz mode.
Text appears: 頂級連線功能
The camera cuts to a wider shot of the environment as a panel on the ceiling slides open.
A ray of light casts down on an energized green lightning bolt icon, which floats upon a pedestal.
The Razer DeathStalker V2 Pro blinks in front of the pedestal.
Text appears: Razer HyperSpeed Wireless and 藍牙 5.0
We cut back to an extreme closeup of the keyboard’s wireless switch, as it toggles to Bluetooth mode.
In a flash, the keyboard blinks sideways to reveal another pedestal with an energized Bluetooth icon.
We cut back to an extreme closeup of the keyboard’s top edge, where 3 buttons highlight its capability to connect and switch between 3 Bluetooth devices.
In another shot, a floating digital clock counts upwards.
The shot cuts to a wider angle, revealing the Razer DeathStalker V2 Pro atop a pedestal in a room full of lesser keyboards which glow blue.
As the clock continues counting upwards, the other keyboards gradually lose power and turn off, while the Razer DeathStalker V2 Pro endures.
Text appears: Ultra-Long 40-Hour battery life
We cut to another shot as a sleek metallic material assembles, before revealing itself as part of the keyboard’s top plate.
Text appears: 超薄外殼搭配耐用的鋁製蓋板
We cut to a side view of the keyboard to showcase its ultra-slim profile, as a robotic hand rests upon it.
Digital lines appear along the wrist and fingers, highlighting optimal angles for long-lasting support and comfort.
Text appears: 適合長時間使用的人體工學設計
We cut to an extreme closeup of a blank keycap. Its legends get etched out by a high-powered laser, as a green protective energy field raises around the keycap.
Text appears: Laser-Etched Keycaps with Ultra-Durable Coating
Multiple impacts land squarely on the keycap, but it remains immune to any damage.
The camera zooms in closer to highlight the crisp outline and finish on the keycap’s legends.
Text appears: Ultimate Fade & Scratch Resistance, Sharper Legends
The camera cuts to a wider shot as the whole keyboard is pelted with even stronger impacts, but it remains unphased as the green energy field withstands the onslaught.
Simultaneously, the keyboard’s Razer Chroma RGB lighting goes into overdrive as it changes colors at a rapid pace.
The camera cuts to the top right corner of the keyboard, highlighting the addition of a roller and media button for 方便控制.
Text appears: All-Metal 多功能滾輪與媒體鍵
The camera cuts to a low angle shot of the keyboard, as it travels towards a sliver of light at the end of a passage that’s slowly closing.
Text appears: Low-Profile Ergonomics. High-Performance Wireless.
The keyboard floats out from thin gap in the passage just as it seals shut, before dramatically rotating into full view.
Text appears: Razer DeathStalker V2 Pro
Razer logo appears. Razer Chroma RGB logo appears.
Text appears: Also available
Two other keyboards appear as part of the Razer DeathStalker V2 lineup.
Text appears: Razer DeathStalker V2 Pro Tenkeyless
Text appears: Razer DeathStalker V2
黑色 | 白色
全新按鍵軸的觸發高度較短可縮短鍵程,並具備我們所有光學鍵盤著名的極快回應速度,使按鍵敲擊執行更快速,且具備 7,000 萬次按鍵敲擊使用壽命,提供持久效能。
Razer DeathStalker V2 Pro 具有令人驚豔的電源效率,以支援其光軸和明亮的 RGB 背光,其設計續航力長達 200 小時 - 隨附可有線使用並同時充電的 Type C 纜線。
電池續航力(小時 / 天)
比雙射出成型 PBT 鍵帽更加堅韌耐用,字樣超銳利又清晰。此外,亦具備背光輔助字樣 讓打字更方便,還有各鍵獨立 RGB,利用明亮又均勻的光線產生 100% 的 RGB 背光。
在實驗室的測試中,Razer HyperGuard 塗層鍵帽具備比雙射出成型 PBT 設計更優秀的抗褪色特性,後者通常被認為是市面上最耐用的鍵帽。這可以確保優質的表面處理持續更久,不會隨著時間推移而變得有光澤。
光澤度 (GU) 單位用於衡量表面的光澤度。GU 值更低,代表抗褪色能力越強。
你擁有高達2年免費保固,並可獲取可靠的技術支援。 直接在 RazerStore 購買,可獲得 14 天的免費退貨期。
可以。你可以將燈光效果變更為六個內建預設燈光效果之一。按住 FN + Ctrl 並按下 2 到 7 的任一數字按鍵,即可切換不同的 Chroma 效果。FN + Ctrl + 1 會將鍵盤的所有背光關閉。
使用快速鍵 FN + End,鍵盤方向鍵上方的 5 個 LED 燈光系列就會亮起,以反映出鍵盤的目前電池狀態。每個 LED 燈代表約 20% 的電池續航力。
你可以透過 Razer Synapse 3 軟體進行配對。請造訪我們的支援網站,以取得多重裝置配對的逐步指南。
大部分的按鍵都可以透過 Razer Synapse 3 重新對應。請下載並安裝 Razer Synapse 3,以便在 Razer DeathStalker V2 Pro 上存取完整的自訂控制項。
可以。只要使用相容的 USB Type A 對 Type C 連接線充電即可。
否,這兩個鍵帽升級套件均不相容,因為 Razer DeathStalker V2 系列具備獨特的穩定器,以支援其矮軸按鍵。
請參閱我們的相容裝置清單。如果並未列出你的裝置,我們強烈建議你關閉 Windows 動態光源,確保擁有最佳的 Chroma RGB 體驗。