王者回歸,勢如破竹。最先進的遊戲滑鼠鄭重登場:Razer Basilisk V3 Pro。這款滑鼠採用領先業界的技術,提供極限的效能、自訂功能、連接和控制能力,釋放你的最大潛力。
王者回歸,勢如破竹。最先進的遊戲滑鼠鄭重登場:Razer Basilisk V3 Pro。這款滑鼠採用領先業界的技術,提供極限的效能、自訂功能、連接和控制能力,釋放你的最大潛力。
Text appears: Razer Basilisk V3 Pro
Within an ultra-high-tech alien laboratory filled with screens of complex data, the Razer Basilisk V3 Pro mouse rests atop a glowing hexagon pedestal—attached to several tubes glowing with various colors.
The camera cuts to a closer view of the mouse. The hexagon pedestal glows brighter as it assesses the mouse’s attributes, detecting maximum values of dexterity, vitality, intelligence, agility, strength, and charisma.
Text appears: 我們目前最先進的遊戲滑鼠
The lights in the lab flicker due to the Basilisk V3 Pro’s sheer power, as the camera swivels to showcase the mouse's advanced scroll wheel.
Text appears: Razer HyperScroll 傾斜滾輪
As the scroll wheel tilts left and right, its movements are mimicked by a large, scaly alien cogwheel in the background.
The scroll wheel then starts clicking as it scrolls up and down, as the scaly alien cogwheel follows suit.
Text appears: 分段捲動模式
The camera swivels as the mouse floats up into the air, coming to rest in the center of the scaly alien cogwheel.
Text appears: 智慧捲動模式
The scales on the large alien cogwheel fold inwards as it changes into a smooth ring that begins to spin furiously.
Text appears: 自由捲動模式
The camera spins and transitions to the next shot, where we see tubes of brightly colored liquid being pumped into the mouse, which causes the RGB 燈光效果 on its scroll wheel, logo, and side edges to glow even brighter.
Text appears: 13 區 Chroma 燈光效果,搭配全方位底部發光
The mouse floats up and perfectly fits into a robotic hand.
As the hand tosses the mouse higher, the side buttons on the mouse explode outwards into multiple versions of itself, highlighting the numerous commands that can be assigned to them.
The camera swivels to a top-down shot of the mouse, as 13 command overlays fan outwards in a ring to show off an impressive degree of control.
Text appears: 經典的人體工學設計外型規格,搭配 10+1 顆可編程按鍵
The camera zooms out and transitions to a powerful red laser beam. The camera follows the laser beam to reveal its source: a cutting-edge optical 感測器.
The camera pulls out from the 感測器 to display the mouse in full view, as its laser makes contact with a desk surface.
Text appears: Razer Focus Pro 30K 光學感測器, world’s mose precise optical sensor*, 30,000 DPI
As soon as the mouse lands on the desk, it blinks at incredible speed, disappearing out of frame.
We see the mouse tearing through a void at incredible speed, causing streaks of light to distort.
Text appears: Razer HyperSpeed Wireless, lag-free gaming
It eventually pops back out into real space, slamming into alien cubes that shatter into tiny shards.
The camera swivels around the shards to reveal the mouse’s next-gen optical switches, which actuate
furiously and flawlessly.
Text appears: 第 3 代 Razer 光學滑鼠按鍵軸, up to 90 million clicks, no unintended double clicks
The camera swivels once again, as we see the mouse lift off from a wireless charging dock. Strands of energy arc upwards towards the mouse, highlighting its solid connection.
Text appears: Next Generation Wireless Charging, compatible with Razer Wireless chargers and other Qi
Chargers*, *Razer Mouse Dock Pro and Wireless Charging Puck sold separately
The mouse appears back on a desk as a robotic hand reaches out to hold it, making several smooth swipes that leave streaks of RGB 燈光效果.
Text appears: 我們目前最先進的遊戲滑鼠
The camera swivels back to the Razer Basilisk V3 Pro sitting dramatically on the glowing pedestal—its
RGB effects in perfect sync with the environment.
Text appears: Razer Basilisk V3 Pro, all information accurate as at Aug, 2022
Razer logo appears.
Razer Chroma RGB logo appears.
黑色 | 白色
透過 Razer Synapse 啟動此模式,在捲動速度變快時,滾輪會自動從分段捲動轉換成自由捲動模式。
開啟此 Razer Synapse 功能後,捲動的動作越快,滑鼠的捲動速度也會增加,讓你用更快的速度瀏覽較長的文件和文章。
擁有 1,680 萬種顏色和一系列燈光效果可供選擇,讓你自訂各區域的燈光,並與數百種整合 Chroma 功能的遊戲互動,創造更加身歷其境的體驗。
以超越其他無線技術的超快速度,享受超靈敏、低延遲的遊戲體驗。我們最新的 Razer™ HyperSpeed 周邊產品提供多裝置支援功能,讓你透過單一傳輸器連接無線鍵盤與滑鼠,以簡化配置並省下一個 USB 連接埠。
同級最佳的精準度Razer 領先業界的感測器能在玻璃等各種表面上提供完美追蹤效能,更具備能進一步強化瞄準表現和控制能力的多種智慧功能。
無可匹敵的速度及耐用性這款滑鼠具備更經改良的 9,000 萬次按鍵敲擊使用壽命、無雙擊問題,還擁有極快的 0.2 毫秒反應速度,且完全不會發生反彈跳延遲,讓你盡情享受超越其他滑鼠的可靠性及速度。
隨附 Razer 無線充電接收器
Razer Basilisk V3 Pro 採用獨特的右手專用人體工學設計,經典的姆指墊可減少手指拖曳阻力,讓滑鼠在玩遊戲時操作更加順暢。
若要設定按鍵對應、巨集、滾輪加速、智慧捲動功能、燈光效果和其他更多功能,你必須先下載並安裝 Razer Synapse 3。深入了解按鍵和自訂設定。
你可以將以下鍵盤配對至 Razer Basilisk V3 Pro 的傳輸器:
搭配額外購買的 Razer Wireless Charging Puck 或 Razer Mouse Dock Pro(隨附無線充電接收器),你可以替換滑鼠的外蓋,以啟用無線充電功能。安裝無線充電接收器後,只要將接收器放在 Razer Mouse Dock Pro 或任何其他無線充電裝置上,即可開始充電。深入了解 Razer Mouse Dock Pro 和 Razer Wireless Charging Puck。